Monday, February 11, 2019

Working mom life

Question 1: What do you think is the biggest challenge faced by mothers in the workplace?
I think a big challenge for working moms is wanting to always be good at everything that you do at work and at home. It doesn't always work out that way. I think it's important as a working mom to realize that everything will not always been perfectly balanced. There will be times when something gets more attention than something else. It doesn't mean you aren't doing a good job, it just means you are human.

Question 2: What is the most important piece of advice you have for mothers who are pursuing a career?
Find something that you like to do. It is so much harder to get up every day and go to a job that you don't like. When you like what you do and can look forward to it, it makes it easier to wake up and go, even if it means leaving those kids at home. Also, give yourself GRACE- every mother needs grace in all things we do. 
Question 3: As a mother, how do you explain to smaller children why you have to spend time away at work?
I have always worked. My son was 4 months old when I returned to work. He doesn't know any different. He stays home with his grandmothers, so he gets to bond and spend time with them. He loves it honestly and I think it is really good for him. He knows mommy and daddy come home at the end of the day. We also both work in education so we have lots of time off to spend with him. 
Question 4: What can professional mothers do to manage their time better?
I talked about this last week. ROUTINE. CONSISTENCY. HAVING A PLAN. As a working mom, I have to have a plan. Now, that plan does not always work out perfectly, BUT I have one. I am flexible when things come up, you have to be as a mom, but overall having routines and a plan make me feel more sane for sure.
Question 5: Does raising kids teach you any skills that you can use in the workplace?
Patience. My son has taught me an incredible amount of patience. I also don't worry about so much like I used to. I try not to stress the small stuff and focus on what's really important in life. He definitely has taught me about what matters in life. 
Question 6: What should professional mothers consider before starting employment at a new company?
I would say with any job change you need to ensure that it is a good fit for what you want for yourself and your family. How will the hours change? Will they be flexible about things because you are a working mom? Commute? Pay? All good things to look at. Change is always hard, but it might be the right choice for your family if it makes going to work easier and you can maintain family as #1. 
Question 7: Lots of professional mothers feel guilt when making sacrifices. How do you deal with this guilt?
I think it is really important to leave work at work. I try my hardest to work when I am working and to be present at home when I am at home. I make an effort every day to make sure I spend time with my son doing something he wants to do. Mom guilt is real. I don't think there is a mom out there that would say she wouldn't rather be home with her kids. BUT we don't all have that option for one and for two some of us actually enjoy working. I would say WORK TO LIVE and NOT LIVE TO WORK.

How do you balance working mom life? What tips can you give?

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