Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Ten resolutions!

If you are like majority of the world, then you make resolutions at New Year's and by this time of the year- you have either 1. forgotten what they were, 2. given up, or in the rare instance that you are different, 3. you have kept them and continue them.

I am a mix of those. Today, I am going to reflect on those resolutions and update them!

1. Spend time in prayer, devotional, reading with God daily. I can honestly say I do this. I bought a Christian Planner https://christianplanner.com/ at the first of the year. I read https://first5.org/ dialy and reflect in my planner. On the weekends, I try to read something from the bible, listen to a sermon, and we also go to church. 

2. Have time with my husband- dates, movie nights, whatever we can make happen with a toddler. We have made more of an effort to enjoy watching shows together, we have planned a date for our anniversary over Spring Break. I think when you have children, it is harder to manage this type of thing, but I think it is SO important to do to keep your marriage as a priority.

3. Take time to read and play with my son daily. It is so hard to get bogged down with work and household chores, responsibilities, etc. I try to make an effort every day to play with him, take him outside if I can, read a book to him, bath time, whatever we can do to just have some time together. He is a super busy 2 year old and growing so fast. I don't want to miss those moments with him.

4. Exercise as often as possible. I am almost 33 weeks pregnant so exercise is a funny thing these days. I just can't move like I used to. This belly gets in the way- it's harder to do! At the beginning of the year, I signed up with Beachbody on Demand and I am proud to say I have stuck with it. I workout 3-5 times a week usually. I change it up and modify as I need to. I know how important it is to continue to workout while pregnant and how it makes getting back to my pre-pregnancy self afterward so much easier.

5. Healthy eating and water intake. This comes and goes for me. I will say salads have been a craving, fruits and vegetables as well. BUT, I have also craved more sweets during this last trimester which has been hard. I definitely need to drink more water. I am going to re-prioritize this and try harder. I am running out of space in there, so eating is often small snack and meals throughout the day, otherwise a big meal makes me miserable!

6. Budgeting- this has been a priority for us always, but we really revamped it when we had Landry. We know how important it is to plan for the future and really think about college, vacations, and providing for our family. We have stuck to our budget, paid off debt and things continue to go well with that. I know one thing is for sure- just when you think it's not possible, God provides. Trust in him!

7. Family time. I feel we don't get enough of this. My parents are busy, we are busy. We struggle to find that time to just hang out or go do something fun. We need to make time for it though. I am going to try and make more of an effort to have dinner, go spend time with my parents, etc. Same for Tyler's family.

8. REST! I am so bad at this. I go go go go go. I rarely take time to just lay down and rest, prop my feet up and watch a movie, RELAX. I need to make more time, in the midst of the chaos of being a mom and wife, to do this. 

9. Continue with Ever and be as dedicated to it as I can. I have gone up and down with my side gig business. I really need to try and continue to focus on building my team and working harder to share these amazing products with those around me. It is something I enjoy doing.

10. De-clutter! I know, I know- Marie Kondo is like all the rage right now. My husband and I have always purged stuff. We do it several times a year. We donate things, we go through our clothes, household items, sell unneeded items, etc. We need to continue this. With 2 kids and more stuff than ever, it is important to remember that stuff is just stuff and it doesn't make your life. Get rid of what you don't need and what doesn't bring you joy.

What are your resolutions? Have you kept them? Forgotten about them? Ready to revamp and set new ones? There is not time like the present! 

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