Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Bad weather day and off work= time to write!

I am not even going to sugarcoat it- I have been TIRED! Training takes a lot of energy and I am exhausted most days!

Here is what has been happening lately:

  • I am still sticking to my eating plan that my coach originally put me on. Lots of protein, complex carbs, green vegetables, no carbs after lunch. I eat a LOT though!
  • About a week and a half ago, she added 15 minutes of cardio to my fasted morning cardio, so I am up at 4:50 A.M. and doing cardio for 45 minutes! (YAWN!) It really does give me energy for the day :) I do this 5 days a week, 4 days of weight training in the afternoons, and cardio on Saturday! Sunday is a rest day for me. This Sunday I had so much energy that I couldn't help getting in a little workout. I think days after cheat meals I have MORE ENERGY than EVER!
  • I get one cheat meal a week! WOO FREAKIN HOO! LOL! My first one was sushi (Rainbow roll) and this past weekend I was really craving a salad with chicken, wanted cheese and REAL dressing ( I am only allowed Balsamic vinegar, not vinaigrette or Walden Farms 0 calorie stuff)- so that's what I had. (weak, I know but the more you eat healthy the more you CRAVE healthy!)
  • I am still seeing changes in my body (more info below) but there are still days that I want to throw the damn scale out the window. I just continue to trust the process and keep telling myself if it was easy everyone would be fit!
I am happy with the way things are going. I am not perfect. Every once in a while I HAVE TO HAVE  spoon of peanut butter or a handful of raisins, just to keep me sane. I don't do it often. I find myself making healthier choices every day. I find myself happier with eating, feeling SO MUCH BETTER, and just in a better mood in general. The fit lifestyle is definitely something I LOVE. It has finally happened- I am making this a lifestyle change! Someone asked me yesterday- so how long are you going to do this diet thing? First, I had to explain that I was changing my lifestyle, NOT dieting. Then, I said I will probably always do this. I won't do it the extreme that I am now and when I get to a point that I feel REALLY satisfied with my progress, I will allow myself a little room to breathe. BUT I am going to find healthy alternatives to things I used to love. I will not go back to eating unhealthy things, eating out all the time, drinking every weekend,etc. That is just not me anymore. For example, I made "pancakes" with things that I can have on my plan this week and they were amazing. A healthy version. Try them: 4 egg whites, 1/2 cup oatmeal ground to flour consistency (I used my little smoothie blender and it worked great!), you can add cinnamon and I added some of the sweet drops I have. Brown in a pan. I top with cinnamon. I also take a cup of frozen strawberries and heat them up in the microwave and pour on top. (that is my syrup!). They are SO GOOD and not at all bad for you. When I get back to normal eating, that is my plan- to find healthier ways to make the things I enjoy!

So, here is my progress so far, 6 weeks in:

Down 8 lbs ( I thought it would be more by now but I worked HARD for those 8 lbs and I am in the 150s now- something I haven't seen in YEARS!)

L arm: 12 1/2
R arm: 12
Bust 40 1/2
Waist: 34
Hips: 37
R leg (I measure 6 inches up and 10 inches up) 22 and 24
L leg: 21 1/2 and 23 1/2

L arm: 12 (-1/2)
R arm: 12
Bust: 38 (-2 1/2)
Waist: 31 (-3)
Hips: 35 (-2)
R leg: 20 and 23 (-2 and -1)
L leg: 21 and 23 (-1/2 and -1/2)

That's 12 inches LOST total! I can definitely tell in my clothes! My pants are falling off. Everything is loose and I can't wait to get to a point where I can shop for new stuff.

For now, I am just going to keep on going. I know there are great things ahead!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Things aren't going to happen overnight...

Mama L posted something on IG about trusting the process. I wish I could fist bump her and say TRUE DAT! LOL! It's the truth. I think when we all start something, we think we are going to eat one good meal and exercise for 2 days and be where we want to be. It doesn't happen like that. It takes hard work, dedication, sweat, and sometimes tears. It's not always fun and it sure isn't easy. It's hard! It will make you tired. It will take time from other things you might like to do. You might sleep less. You have to prepare more. You may feel like you spend your life in workout clothes. You have to learn to say no to that cake or drink. Your friends and family will either support you or criticize you. The journey is a crazy one. I have written so many posts trying to motivate myself and you, of course! This time it is different. This time it has "clicked" for me. I have been at this process for a little over a month. I have lost inches ( I know over 8", but I haven't measured lately so I will do that again Friday), lost 7 lbs (3 more and I get my leopard Nikes-talk about motivation). It is about so much more than that though! It is about how you feel. It is about loving yourself. It's about knowing you deserve more. It is about sticking to something you said you would. It is about being stronger. It is about fueling your body. It is about being proud.
Last night I was doing my regular training (per my coach Wendy's instructions) and for some reason my eye lingered on the treadmill a lot longer. I missed running. For those of you who don't know- I used to be a regular runner. I ran at least 3-4 times a week. I did C25K. I trained and ran 6 miles. I worked hard. It took me a long time (like a year) to get my "stride". I haven't run in over a month. It's not part of my plan. I could do it for morning cardio, but my treadmill is not at my house, it's at my parents so that isn't happening. 5 am is early and I am not going over there for that, sorry. So, it's been a while. I thought I had surely lost everything I had built up. No way I was going to be able to run. Guess what? I was WRONG! I got on that treadmill and something happened. I felt good! I felt strong! I felt relieved, happy, and motivated. I ran for 30 minutes without a struggle. It was amazing and not just physically. Emotionally, I feel like every sad moment, struggle, upset and worry over the past month came out. I knew why I was doing this. All the hard work was worth it. It was my epiphany. It's only the beginning of the journey, but this time I will not give up. I CAN DO THIS.  I will do it! You can too! :)
This was my feeling:

Saturday, January 11, 2014

The emotional part of this journey...

This week I had a "meltdown". I woke up and got on the scale and didn't see a number that made me happy. I was walking around the house saying "oh yea, this plan is really going to work", "what was I thinking???", "what did I sign up for?". The weeks of saying no to foods I want and only eating to fuel my body finally piled up. I let that number define me and determine how my day was going to be. I let it gauge my progress. I e-mailed my coach and told her how sad I was that the scale was not moving. My coach is awesome- Wendy from www.cyberbodyshop.com . She is always there via text or e-mail when I need her. She is supportive, yet realistic. I got an e-mail back from her and she was "real" with me. She reminded me that this is a journey and it takes time- it is about more than a number on a scale- it's about changing my life. She reiterated to me that I need to focus on the changes I make and not every day progress. At first, I was kinda hurt that I didn't get more sympathy or whatever it was I was looking for. BUT as the week went on, I realized she was right. I have struggled for so long with "diets" and working to see the end of whatever healthy eating I put in place. That has not helped me be successful. It really is a lifestyle change and not just a short-term plan. Am I going to eat the way I am right now forever? Probably not. Am I ever going to eat another cheeseburger again. Probably. BUT I am learning that my eating is going to have to consist of way more clean eating than anything else to get to and maintain this lifestyle. I feel better. I have more energy. I sleep better. I know I am making changes that will hopefully prevent me from having heart disease and all the other medical problems that run in my family. I AM WORTH IT. It is more important to me to make this big change that to continue to struggle with "diets" and feel self-conscious, worried, stressed, and be unhappy. I do have to explain to all my friends and family that I am making lifestyle changes. I do get the "what?!" and stares, they can't believe I won't have a drink or go out to eat... it's uncomfortable at times, it's not always fun, and it can sometimes be very frustrating. I read on this girl's IG that you will lose people in your life when you make these drastic changes and she was right. It will change your life, but it is so worth it! I have finally reached my breaking point- when will you reach yours? You won't regret taking control and making lifestyle changes! :)