What question can you ask to find out the most about a person? What are your thoughts on life? See which direction they go. A lot can be learned about a person and how they view life.
When was the last time you changed your opinion / belief about something major?
In this day, I am always developing new opinions and beliefs as our world is constantly changing and getting away from the way that I prefer it to be.
What was the best compliment you’ve received? Anytime someone tells me that they notice I am good at being a wife or a mom, that is the best.
As the only human left on Earth, what would you do? Probably freak out- I don't see myself being resourceful and doing well in that situation.
Who inspires you to be better? My husband constantly challenges me to think outside of what I would normally think. I would say it makes me a better person.
What do you want your epitaph to be? I would hope that people remember me as a Christian, as a good person, as a friend
What did you think you would grow out of but haven’t? I really thought I wouldn't have time for fitness once I became a mom. Although I have had to make some adjustments, I still have time so I am happy to have not grown out of that.
In what situation or place would you feel the most out of place in? I try not to put myself into awkward situations, but I would say big parties, places that are toooooo fancy, a comicon convention lol....those seem strange to me.
What’s the dumbest thing you’ve done that actually turned out pretty well? I am not a big risk taker, but I would say most people viewed my decision to marry my husband so quickly as dumb and it has turned out more than pretty well.
They say that everyone has a book in them. What would your book be about? Changing your life. How you can't let the past define who you are today. I didn't always make the best decisions, but I am a happy, successful person today and I truly think I had to go through all of that to get here.
What is something you will NEVER do again? scuba dive or snorkel. I do not like it! I feel claustrophobic under the water. It's just not for me.
What do you spend the most time thinking about? I try to focus on the positive side of things.... church, my family, the future and all the exciting things I am looking forward to doing.
What are some of the events in your life that made you who you are? Working at a young age, heartbreak, my grandpa's passing....just to name a few.
What do you wish your brain was better at doing? Remembering stuff!
There are two types of people in this world. What are the two types? Old school and Politically Correct
What is the strangest thing you have come across? I can't remember something super strange.
What is something you are certain you’ll never experience? Sky diving...no way...never ever
What dumb accomplishment are you most proud of?
If you could make one rule that everyone had to follow, what rule would you make?
What are you addicted to? Peanut Butter (seriously- every day)
What stereotype do you completely live up to? Basic white girl- I am a little gaudy, totally normal, love starbucks, dress the part...all of it.
What is something you can never seem to finish? Books! It takes me a while when I am working to be able to stay up late and finish reading a book.
As you get older, what are you becoming more and more afraid of? Something happening to me or someone I love suddenly and leaving my kids without family members.
What is one of your favorite smells? Pumpkin Spice- fav time of year
What would be the scariest monster you could imagine? Monsters, whatever! lol
What song or artist do you like but rarely admit to liking? I don't hide what I like- mostly country, Christian music and some oldies.
What would you do if you knew you were going to die in one hour? Be with my family!
What book impacted you the most? I would say reading the Bible all the way through several times has made an impact on my life. I try to use stories from the Bible and apply it to my everyday life.
If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? I am happy with Melissa
If life is a game, like some people say, what are some of the rules? Have common sense would be my number 1!
Who is / was your most interesting friend? I have had many friends over the years, for different reasons and seasons of life. I have met a lot of really interesting people. I don't think one in particular stands out to me.
Have you ever given to any charities? Yes, my husband and I try to donate frequently to charities, especially those that are local and associated with our church.
What is something that your friends would consider “so you”? Anything fleur de lis or Boston terrier-ish :)
What risks are worth taking? LOVE- definitely worth it!
What can you not get right, no matter how many times you try? Can't think of anything.
If you could convince everyone in the world to do one thing at one point in time, what would that thing be? Many times I would convince people to let it go! Sometimes people stress and worry over things that they have no control over and that will not matter at the end of this life.
What do you take for granted? I try to be conscious of this and not take things for granted. Being grateful and thankful daily, even in the midst of things you feel aren't worth being grateful for is key to not letting this crazy life eat you up!
What would be some of the most annoying things about having yourself as a roommate? I am overly picky about being clean and organized. I was so much better living alone than living with roommates!
What’s something you are self-conscious about? My weight- always! It's a struggle.
What personality trait do you value most and which do you dislike the most? someone who can enjoy life and laugh- someone who is funny! Don't take life too serious! Dislike- someone who is full of themselves. Can't stand it!
What small gesture from a stranger made a big impact on you? Most recently someone paid for part of my family's meal at a restaurant. It's the little things.
What gets you fired up? Working out, being productive, Ever
What challenging thing are you working through these days? Just learning my new job! It has been so different this year, but I love it!
What irrational fear do you have? Roaches- so silly but I hate them! UGH!
What’s the best and worst piece of advice you’ve ever received? Lots of things related to mom life. Sleep training and so much more. Every kid and family is different. I would say do not stress over things and do not google stuff! Do not compare yourself or your child to others!
If you had a clock that would countdown to any one event of your choosing, what event would you want it to countdown to? Right now- Lydia's arrival- when will she come?
What makes a good life? Faith, having people to love
What do you strongly suspect but have no proof of? The NFL is rigged! My Saints were robbed! LOL!
What’s the last adventure you went on? We haven't been anywhere in a while, but last summer we went on a fun vacation to the hill country.
When do you feel truly “alive”? When I am in good shape, feeling healthy and strong!
What was the most memorable gift you’ve received? Again, I am not into material things.... don't have one in particular.
What chapters would you separate your autobiography into? Kid life, teenage life, single life, married life?
What do you like most about your family? We all get along and have fun when we are together. No drama!
What do you hope your last words will be? Don't want to think about this
What stat for your life would you most like to see? Weight loss and gain- it's all over the place!
What are three of the most significant numbers in your life? 3-16-15 my anniversary date... the day this whole new life began for me and it's been the BEST!
What could you do with two million dollars to impact the most amount of people? I would have to think on this one- that's a lot of money!
If you were put into solitary confinement for six months, what would you do to stay sane? Read, write
What’s something horrible that everyone should try at least once? I would say there are some foods that are pretty horrible to some people, but I would say don't knock it until you try it!
What fact are your resigned to? This country is going crazy
Have you ever saved someone’s life? No
What were some of the turning points in your life? Getting a teaching job, getting married, being baptized again as an adult.
What would a mirror opposite of yourself be like? Impatient, non-believer just to name a few things
What are you really good at, but kind of embarrassed that you are good at it? Not embarrassed to be good at anything!
What are three interesting facts about you? I am horrible at these kinda questions- there's one! LOL!
Which of your scars has the best story behind it? I have been very fortunate not to hurt myself and have many scars so there is no interesting, jumping over something, super cool story to tell.
What’s the title of the current chapter of your life? Wife/Mom Life
What’s the hardest lesson you’ve learned? You can't live this life without God. Period.
What mistake do you keep making again and again? Can't think of one! I try to learn from my mistakes the first time.
What do people think is weird about you? Not sure- maybe someone will tell me?
When people look at you, what do you think they see / think? I have often been told I look like I am mean. LOL but I really am not!
What have you created that you are most proud of? 2 babies!
If you could make a 20 second phone call to yourself at any point in your life present or future, when would you call and what would you say? I would call my single self and say- stop worrying, the guy will come. ENJOY life!
What annoys you most about the in-groups you are a part of? in-groups? ummmmmm no
What do you have doubts about? Where my family and I will live in the future? Where will we work? We always keep our options open and are ready to go where God leads us.
What do you want to be remembered for? Being ME :)
What are some of your personal “rules” that you never break? I try to commit only to things I will do. I rarely ever don't do something I said I would do.
What do you regret not doing or starting when you were younger? Being into health and fitness. Being more active.
If you could have a never-ending candle that smelled like anything you wanted, what fragrance would you want it to be? Pumpkin spice! duh!
What’s the best thing about you? I am reliable- you can count on me.
What bends your mind every time you think about it? Some of the current issues in our country- I won't make it political, but some things make me crazy.
What’s the best thing you got from your parents?
I would say my personality- I am am mix of my mom and dad. Hard working and stubborn like dad. Organized and a natural homemaker like my mom.
What’s one responsibility you really wish you didn’t have? Some of the stuff at work isn't too fun.
What is the “holy grail” of your life? Can't think of something
If your childhood had a smell, what would it be? Outdoors! We spent a lot of time playing outside.
What are the top three things you want to accomplish before you die? How close are you to accomplishing them? Travel. ( Do this as often as we can) Be financially secure and debt free (we are getting there quickly) Be in the best shape of my life (after this baby).
What do you wish you could tell yourself 10 years ago? What do you think you’ll want to tell your current self 10 years from now? 10 years ago- Don't worry, God has a plan! 10 years from now- Enjoy every moment with your kids- good and bad, one day you will miss it!
In your group of friends, what role do you play? The one who always tell you like it is, no matter what.
Among your friends or family, what are you famous for? nada
What is the biggest lesson you never learned? Life does go on, no matter what happens.
What’s the most immature thing that you do? Watch reality TV- kinda dumb, but a guilty pleasure!
If your life was a book, what would its title be? Can't think of a good one
What’s the best and worst thing about getting older? Living another day....worst thing: gray hairs!
What’s something that happened or something that someone said that changed how you view the world? I think the way I found my husband, the way things worked out was a pivitol moment in my life. It really solidified for me that God has a plan. I view the world much more differently now.
What are you most likely very wrong about? Me? Wrong? Never! HA! JK! I am wrong in fights with the hubby SOMETIMES.
If you had a personal flag, what would be on it? Fleur de lis, of course!
What lifestyle change have you been meaning to make for a while now? Using beachbody on demand for workouts- LOVE it!
What would be your spirit animal? Tiger----- like LSU
What incredibly strong opinion or belief do you have that is completely unimportant in the grand scheme of things? My opinions about what a mom and wife should and should not do are probably unimportant to most- I view things very differently that most people, but to each their own!
What chance encounter changed your life forever? Meeting the hubby!
If you could have a video of any one event in your life, what event would you choose? Wedding day- to show my kids :)
If you were forced to relive one 10-minute block of your life again and again for all eternity, what 10 minutes of your life would you choose? A quiet morning at home with my family, coffee and a fire going