First of all, I don't need lavish gifts for teacher appreciation week. I don't really ever get them and most of my parents don't even know it is Teacher Appreciation Week anyways. I know they are busy working and raising kids, so I don't get all butt hurt over it. I get all the reward I need from my kids. When they learn, read, smile, and enjoy the day- I am happy. Sound cliche? Sure, but it is true!
I love my job because.....
I teach 2nd graders and they are 7 and 8 years old. They are the cutest things in the world (well, most of the time). They still love me so much and do what I ask them to do without any argument (for the most part).
It is so awesome to be that teacher that taught them to read.
I love when my kids make connections to things. Ex: Outside and they start talking about food chains or on a field trip they start telling me they can describe the animal using adjectives. That makes me happy!
Summers... let's be honest I love that time off, but every year I cry like a baby to say good-bye to my class. I become really attached.
The funny things kids can tell you... they really have a sense of humor and it cracks me up on a daily basis.
I could go on and on about things that I love- I NEVER in my life thought I would be a teacher, it is not what I went to school for at all, but I love it. I couldn't imagine doing anything else. I have put a lot into it and I wouldn't change it for anything.
Things that kinda suck: The pay and ALL the work- it really is a lot!
Remember we are not just a teacher but we fill in as parents sometimes, nurses, counselors, teach them manners and so much more. Teaching is not just a one task job.
Overall, a simple thank you is enough. :)
To all the teachers out there- THANK YOU!!!!

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