A sustainable lifestyle change!
I cannot tell you how many diets I have tried in my many years of struggling with self image and my weight. If you check out my story here on the blog you will see that I have fluctuated up and down with weight my entire life. I am just not one of those naturally thin people. Here are just a few things I’ve tried:
Weight watchers
South beach diet
Low carb
The bro diet (think tilapia and broccoli A LOT)
Calorie counting
1200 calories only
Starving myself basically
Cutting out all sugar and foods deemed “bad”
Diet pills to suppress my appetite
The GM diet or military diet
Those are just SOME of the diets I can think of right now. I am sure there were more. I would lose and then I would get off and gain. I never stuck with anything too long. It was all a struggle. I would cheat and binge occasionally because everything felt restrictive. To me, that’s the problem with anything that restricts a certain food or deems foods as good or bad. You ultimately end up wanting what you can't have MORE than you might normally because you have told yourself you can’t have it.

That was the truth for me. I couldn’t do it anymore. I was tired of failing. I was tired of beating myself up. I HAD to find something different. That’s when I found Ledbetter and macros. It was the ONLY thing that I have continuously gone back to, time and time again. It is truly a lifestyle. It doesn’t restrict ANYTHING. Cookies- fine. Cake- ok. Donuts-sure. MODERATION is the key. BALANCE is the lifestyle. I don’t know about you but I don’t want any eating plan that doesn’t involve those things or some of my favorite foods. Macros doesn’t tell you to go eat ALL these things all day, but it allows them. It allows you to find balance with proteins, fats and carbs. You do have to weigh and track what you eat and make a plan, but overall it allows you freedom. Freedom to decide to have a donut but know you will have to have a protein rich meal later to meet your daily goal. When I was in the absolute BEST shape of my life I would have a day when I would eat egg whites and grilled chicken, maybe a protein shake, make a hamburger for dinner, some popcorn or ice cream.... it was all balanced. I never felt guilty or deprived. The weight came off. It stayed off. One thing I learned is you have to pick something you can stick with, something that will work long term. Short term solutions give you just that- short term success.

How do you do it? I have calculated my own macros before and I'd be happy to help. I also know several amazing coaches that can do it and have the accountability piece built in so you check in with them weekly. You may have tried everything else- why not try this? I will be heading back to the macros arena as soon as I have baby Lydia is April and get adjusted. I can't wait. This is my last baby and there is no better time to get in the best shape of my life. I know with macros and exercise I can do it. Are you ready?
Feel free to message me or email me if you'd like some help with how to get started!
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