Last week, I talked a little about the fears that come with having a second baby. I don't think I am different than any mom in that I fear the change, fear the added responsibility and how I will juggle it all, fear how it will change life for my 2 year old. While there are fears, there is also excitement! I can't wait to see Landry be a big brother and to see the bond he and his sister will share. Our little family will be complete and it makes my heart happy!
I have been taking some time to focus on Landry more in the last weeks of my pregnancy. I know these are the last weeks that we will have with him as an only child. I want to make the transition as easy for him as possible. I want him to feel loved and cared for. I don't want him to feel as though the baby came along and took his place. He is and will always be the boy who made me a mom and my first baby. Here are some of the things I have done with him, as his sister's arrival approaches:
1. I have included him in setting up her room. We talk about the baby. He comes in the room with me when I am working to organize and set things up. He gets excited about it and says "ooooo momma, look!". I tell him that this is his baby sister's room. Lots of things we have are his old baby gear and toys. I let him explore with them and play with them as he wants to. I tell him that those are for the baby and he is now a big boy. He seems really interested in the room and excited (for now- lol).
2. I have been taking more time after school and on weekends to spend time with him doing whatever he wants to do. We go outside and play, we go to the store, we play and read, and we cuddle- lots of cuddling. I know many people think you are supposed to stay home with a new baby for like ever at the beginning, but I think this time around will be much different. I cannot lock Landry and I up in the house because we have a new baby. He is a 2 year old and needs to get out and explore the world. While I will take precaution to protect my baby from germs, she will also have to learn to roll with it, because I don't want Landry to feel that the fun is gone because baby is here. We will learn to manage and do things together as a family. Luckily, I have two very supportive babysitters- my mom and mother-in-law, who will come with me and help me out as I need it.
3. This one isn't a fun one, but I have had to teach Landry a little more responsibility and discipline. When he is the only one that I have to focus my attention on, it's a little easier to let some things slide, but as we get ready for a new baby- I have had to get serious about some things. He helps me with things that he can help with- picking up, going to get himself a bottle of water, he even tries to feed the dog and is pretty good at it. I have also had to be stricter with rules. He has had to learn that no means no. It's a tough transition at 2 but he is getting it. I need him to be safe and good while I give the baby attention. He really is a good boy and does a great job.
I cannot wait to see how things work out with a new baby girl in the family. I know it's going to be a whole new adventure!
What things did you do to prepare your child or kids for a new baby?
Monday, March 25, 2019
Friday, March 22, 2019
The fear of having baby #2
This week has been a little busier than I expected. As a mom, especially a working mom, you never really know what the week will bring. I haven't had the chance to blog too much this week, so some of my blog posts will have to wait until next week. Today I am going to talk a little about having baby #2 and the fears that come with having another baby.
Lots of people never talk about the fears that come with having a baby. Yes, it is a blessing. Babies are wonderful. But, there are some scary things that come along with that.
To have another baby or not.....
I am not going to lie. We contemplated having a second child. Landry made us so happy, we weren't sure we wanted another child. I know deep down, I knew I wanted to have another, but it is something you have to really think about. Being responsible for another little person. What changes will that mean for your family. So many things to think about. In the end, we left it up to God. I had a little bit of a hard time getting pregnant with Landry, so we decided just to try and if it happened, it did. If it didn't, we would be perfectly happy with our amazing son. Well, first try I was pregnant, so I am guessing that was God's way of saying YES!
How life changes......
You get so used to your routine and life with one. As they grow older, things get easier. The thought of starting over with another seems intimidating. Waking up all night, breastfeeding again, being restricted to what you can eat and drink, pumping, the demands of a newborn, and so much more. Landry is in such a good place right now. He has independence. He can feed himself, play by himself, tell me what he wants and needs.... we are in a good spot. AND we are about to start over again. Sigh. It no longer seems so daunting of a task. As we get closer and closer to the due date and Lydia's arrival, the more excited I get thinking about having another little person to love. I remind myself that everything with a baby is just a season. It doesn't last forever. In fact, it goes by so fast!
The world we live in.....
I think all the time about this crazy world we live in. Bringing kids into the world today is no easy decision to make. I worry about things people believe in, say and do. I worry that my kids will be surrounded by things that we just don't believe in. There is no more of the "good ole day" mentality or there are very few people who believe in that. Who believe in God first. Who believe in what the bible says. Who raise their kids that way. Instead, we are surrounded by those who believe in political correctness, gender neutral, science or spiritual but not religious, and so much more. It's scary. I decided that while I can't shield my kids completely from that world, the best thing I can do is to help them learn about God, take them to church, teach them everything I can, and pray for the best. The world is not changing for the better, but I hope my kids can remain solid in their foundation and focus on the most important things, even amidst a crazy world!
Here is another post about this---- it is obviously something many women struggle with.
I know when Lydia gets here, my heart will explode. I will love watching her and Landry grow up together and all will be right in the world. I am not ashamed to share my fears though. Did you have fears having another child? How did you deal with it?
Lots of people never talk about the fears that come with having a baby. Yes, it is a blessing. Babies are wonderful. But, there are some scary things that come along with that.
To have another baby or not.....
I am not going to lie. We contemplated having a second child. Landry made us so happy, we weren't sure we wanted another child. I know deep down, I knew I wanted to have another, but it is something you have to really think about. Being responsible for another little person. What changes will that mean for your family. So many things to think about. In the end, we left it up to God. I had a little bit of a hard time getting pregnant with Landry, so we decided just to try and if it happened, it did. If it didn't, we would be perfectly happy with our amazing son. Well, first try I was pregnant, so I am guessing that was God's way of saying YES!
How life changes......
You get so used to your routine and life with one. As they grow older, things get easier. The thought of starting over with another seems intimidating. Waking up all night, breastfeeding again, being restricted to what you can eat and drink, pumping, the demands of a newborn, and so much more. Landry is in such a good place right now. He has independence. He can feed himself, play by himself, tell me what he wants and needs.... we are in a good spot. AND we are about to start over again. Sigh. It no longer seems so daunting of a task. As we get closer and closer to the due date and Lydia's arrival, the more excited I get thinking about having another little person to love. I remind myself that everything with a baby is just a season. It doesn't last forever. In fact, it goes by so fast!
The world we live in.....
I think all the time about this crazy world we live in. Bringing kids into the world today is no easy decision to make. I worry about things people believe in, say and do. I worry that my kids will be surrounded by things that we just don't believe in. There is no more of the "good ole day" mentality or there are very few people who believe in that. Who believe in God first. Who believe in what the bible says. Who raise their kids that way. Instead, we are surrounded by those who believe in political correctness, gender neutral, science or spiritual but not religious, and so much more. It's scary. I decided that while I can't shield my kids completely from that world, the best thing I can do is to help them learn about God, take them to church, teach them everything I can, and pray for the best. The world is not changing for the better, but I hope my kids can remain solid in their foundation and focus on the most important things, even amidst a crazy world!
Here is another post about this---- it is obviously something many women struggle with.
I know when Lydia gets here, my heart will explode. I will love watching her and Landry grow up together and all will be right in the world. I am not ashamed to share my fears though. Did you have fears having another child? How did you deal with it?
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
All The Little Children book review and movie review of Green Book

The book I read over the week was "All The Little Children" by Jo Furniss. Here is the summary from Good Reads. I use Good Reads often to find books that I might like to read.
Struggling with working-mother guilt, Marlene Greene hopes a camping trip in the forest will provide quality time with her three young children—until they see fires in the distance, columns of smoke distorting the sweeping view. Overnight, all communication with the outside world is lost.
Knowing something terrible has happened, Marlene suspects that the isolation of the remote campsite is all that’s protecting her family. But the arrival of a lost boy reveals they are not alone in the woods, and as the unfolding disaster ravages the land, more youngsters seek refuge under her wing. The lives of her own children aren’t the only ones at stake.
When their sanctuary is threatened, Marlene faces the mother of all dilemmas: Should she save her own kids or try to save them all?
Ever since watching "The Walking Dead", I enjoy the post apocalyptic type book every now and then. This book was kinda on that wavelength. I won't spoil it for anyone who might want to read it. It was a quick read. There were parts of it that kept me reading. Overall, I would say it was a 3 out of 5. There were no zombies or anything like that. There were times when it really made you think like a mom and wonder what you do if you were in Marlene's shoes. The best part about it was that it was free with my Prime subscription. Do you have Prime? Do you read the free reads? I am actually already on to my next read- "Say You're Sorry" and that one is one I can't put down! Excited to finish it.
Now, on to the movie I watched. Green Book.
AMAZING. I loved this movie! If you have not had a chance to watch this, do it! It is based on the true story of Don Shirley, a classical and jazz pianist. It tells the story of the journey he took to play down south during the 60s and his relationship with his driver and bodyguard, Tony. It really evokes emotion about that time and what he had to go through. I truly enjoyed it and both actors in it- Mahershala Ali and Viggo Mortensen were amazing! I love Ali anyways from True Detective, but he really did a great job in this movie and Viggo- he was so funny and so raw.
Have you seen any good movies lately? Read any good books?
Monday, March 18, 2019
I'm baaaaaack! I knew I wouldn't get the chance to blog much over Spring Break and I sure didn't get to once. It was a very busy break.
Lent Challenge
I am still reading my Bible passages daily as part of what I am adding in to my Lent time. I also continue to read my first5 passages daily as well. I really love daily devotional time and feel very connected to God.
I am also still on my social media detox. I don't use Facebook or Instagram right now. Some things I have done in place of wasting that time: cooked, spent more time with Landry, gone outside more, worked out, read a book over the break, spent time with my husband, watched several movies.....just had more time where I am not distracted by other people's lives and I actually get to live mine. I honestly don't miss it. It isn't as hard as I thought. I know I won't completely stay off of it forever, but I do know my time with it will change drastically after the Lent season is over. I am still determining what that will look like, but I will be talking about it soon.
A couple of topics that I will be writing about this week:
Lent Challenge
I am still reading my Bible passages daily as part of what I am adding in to my Lent time. I also continue to read my first5 passages daily as well. I really love daily devotional time and feel very connected to God.
I am also still on my social media detox. I don't use Facebook or Instagram right now. Some things I have done in place of wasting that time: cooked, spent more time with Landry, gone outside more, worked out, read a book over the break, spent time with my husband, watched several movies.....just had more time where I am not distracted by other people's lives and I actually get to live mine. I honestly don't miss it. It isn't as hard as I thought. I know I won't completely stay off of it forever, but I do know my time with it will change drastically after the Lent season is over. I am still determining what that will look like, but I will be talking about it soon.
A couple of topics that I will be writing about this week:
- The book I read and movies I watched over spring break
- Time with Landry before baby #2 comes
- Nursery for Lydia
- Baby favorites
My side gig has a great deal going on right now if any of you readers are interested!
This deal is only good until the end of the month- order a regimen and you will get the complexion quickie ($115 set) FREE! I love it all.
Feel free to email me with questions!
OHHHHH I almost forgot! The husband and I celebrated 4 years of marriage this week! We went to the Houston Rodeo and saw Kings of Leon. It was a great time. Funny thing, we forgot it was our actual anniversary a few days later- LOL! I guess you can say that we are in a "busy" season of life. We are blessed with a great marriage and truly feel we are married to our best friend. We don't do gifts or anything. Instead we try to share time and experiences with each other around that time. What do you and your spouse do for anniversaries?
I look forward to a great week of blogging! :)
Friday, March 8, 2019
Lent Day 2 & 3 and a little thinking aloud.....
Yesterday was busy and I didn't get to blog. I am sure Spring Break will be busy as well and I might not get to write as much. I am still on my social media detox and I am still reading my scripture every day. I really thought that being disconnected from social media was going to be a lot harder than it is. It really isn't! I have gotten so much done including finishing a book that I have been slow reading for a while. I will share below. I have spent more time with my son and husband at home, not distracted. It's been nice.
Bible study for Day 2 and 3:
John 1: 19-34
John the Baptist begins baptizing people. He informs them that he is not the Prophet, but instead that Jesus is the chosen one.
Isaiah 6:1-7
Isaiah talks about the rebellious nation and how they have turned away from God.
I also read every day and look forward to diving into that devotional. I find taking time for God every day keeps me focused on what is really important, I feel more balanced and happy! Do you read or study the bible daily? Give it a try!
Here is the book I just finished. It was pretty interesting. It isn't something that I would normally pick for myself, but my mother-in-law suggested it and it was a good one.
Bible study for Day 2 and 3:
John 1: 19-34
John the Baptist begins baptizing people. He informs them that he is not the Prophet, but instead that Jesus is the chosen one.
Isaiah 6:1-7
Isaiah talks about the rebellious nation and how they have turned away from God.
I also read every day and look forward to diving into that devotional. I find taking time for God every day keeps me focused on what is really important, I feel more balanced and happy! Do you read or study the bible daily? Give it a try!
Here is the book I just finished. It was pretty interesting. It isn't something that I would normally pick for myself, but my mother-in-law suggested it and it was a good one.

The book tells the story of the Madoff family. Bernie Madoff was involved in a massive ponzi scheme. It tells about the unraveling of his family's life due to his this scheme. The story is told from the point of view of Stephanie (his son's wife). It is a crazy story, but sad at the same time. It was a totally different feel reading it and knowing it was written about real people vs the fiction characters I normally read about.
It's the last day of work today before Spring Break- huge perk working for a school district. Over the next week, we will be working on baby girl's room, going to the Rodeo to see Kings of Leon, and spending time with family. I am excited to be off and soak up some time with Landry before his sister comes and we become a family of 5 (including Nola) :)
Happy Friday all!
Thursday, March 7, 2019
Lent day 1- social media detox and bible reading
It's Day 1!
I am posting this on Day 2, because I forgot to post it yesterday. I was on my phone a LOT less without social media, so it just didn't happen.
I deleted both apps off my phone. The only thing I kept was Facebook messenger, because that is how I communicate with some people. Otherwise, I am not checking or scrolling at all on either social media app. It felt a little weird waking up and not looking at it right away, but overall it feels great to be able to go through the day without worrying about that world. I read more yesterday, I played with my son, and I just relaxed. So far, so good!
I added in a Bible reading daily and here it is for today(Wednesday):
John 1 New International Version (NIV)
The Word Became Flesh
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome[a] it.
6 There was a man sent from God whose name was John. 7 He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. 8 He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light.
9 The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. 10 He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. 11 He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. 12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— 13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.
14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
15 (John testified concerning him. He cried out, saying, “This is the one I spoke about when I said, ‘He who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.’”) 16 Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given. 17 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. 18 No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and[b] is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known.
This reading is telling us that Jesus is coming. He is God' word. He is the light. He is with God and will always be with God. Jesus is important and we should pay attention to him. Jesus will show us what God is all about.
I am posting this on Day 2, because I forgot to post it yesterday. I was on my phone a LOT less without social media, so it just didn't happen.
I deleted both apps off my phone. The only thing I kept was Facebook messenger, because that is how I communicate with some people. Otherwise, I am not checking or scrolling at all on either social media app. It felt a little weird waking up and not looking at it right away, but overall it feels great to be able to go through the day without worrying about that world. I read more yesterday, I played with my son, and I just relaxed. So far, so good!
I added in a Bible reading daily and here it is for today(Wednesday):
John 1 New International Version (NIV)
The Word Became Flesh
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome[a] it.
6 There was a man sent from God whose name was John. 7 He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. 8 He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light.
9 The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. 10 He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. 11 He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. 12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— 13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.
14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
15 (John testified concerning him. He cried out, saying, “This is the one I spoke about when I said, ‘He who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.’”) 16 Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given. 17 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. 18 No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and[b] is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known.
This reading is telling us that Jesus is coming. He is God' word. He is the light. He is with God and will always be with God. Jesus is important and we should pay attention to him. Jesus will show us what God is all about.
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
Lent challenge- what I am adding and what I am taking away!

So, it's that time of year again. LENT. It's a time to reflect on the great sacrifice that was made for us all. It's a time to praise and worship. It's a time to think about something we can sacrifice for 40 days. Jesus sacrificed so much for us, we can surely do something for him.
First of all, every year I try to add something in. This year I am adding in this 40 day challenge:
I have been thinking long and hard about what I want to give up this year.
I am giving up social media. Yep. You read that right. I am putting away Facebook and Instagram for 40 days. Why? I feel like social media can be great in many ways: it helps us stay connected with those we love, but don't get to see often. It can be a way of networking with people for business purposes. It can be fun and entertaining as well. But there are also some bad sides to it. People get addicted to it. People compare themselves with others- "comparison is the thief of joy". I saw this quote recently and I thought it is very true.
Everyone flocks to social media to see what is going on in other people's lives, whether you know them or not, whether you talk to them in person or not. Sometimes that seems kinda silly to me. I just need a break. I spend too much time on social media. I admit it. So... my social media is:

Starts tomorrow!
What will I do with all that time? I plan to continue to blog. I love blogging and writing, so I want to keep this up. I will spend more time with my family. I might cook a little more, workout more, read more, go outside more, do some crafts, who knows? I just know that I need this. I am actually excited about it.
So, please continue to check in with my blog.
If you would like to connect with me, my email is
My Ever page is:
I am always available to answer questions about that.
I'll be back around Easter. Lydia is due around that time, so I can't wait to introduce her to you all.
What are you adding or giving up for Lent?
Monday, March 4, 2019
A sustainable lifestyle change!
I cannot tell you how many diets I have tried in my many years of struggling with self image and my weight. If you check out my story here on the blog you will see that I have fluctuated up and down with weight my entire life. I am just not one of those naturally thin people. Here are just a few things I’ve tried:
Weight watchers
South beach diet
Low carb
The bro diet (think tilapia and broccoli A LOT)
Calorie counting
1200 calories only
Starving myself basically
Cutting out all sugar and foods deemed “bad”
Diet pills to suppress my appetite
The GM diet or military diet
Those are just SOME of the diets I can think of right now. I am sure there were more. I would lose and then I would get off and gain. I never stuck with anything too long. It was all a struggle. I would cheat and binge occasionally because everything felt restrictive. To me, that’s the problem with anything that restricts a certain food or deems foods as good or bad. You ultimately end up wanting what you can't have MORE than you might normally because you have told yourself you can’t have it.
That was the truth for me. I couldn’t do it anymore. I was tired of failing. I was tired of beating myself up. I HAD to find something different. That’s when I found Ledbetter and macros. It was the ONLY thing that I have continuously gone back to, time and time again. It is truly a lifestyle. It doesn’t restrict ANYTHING. Cookies- fine. Cake- ok. Donuts-sure. MODERATION is the key. BALANCE is the lifestyle. I don’t know about you but I don’t want any eating plan that doesn’t involve those things or some of my favorite foods. Macros doesn’t tell you to go eat ALL these things all day, but it allows them. It allows you to find balance with proteins, fats and carbs. You do have to weigh and track what you eat and make a plan, but overall it allows you freedom. Freedom to decide to have a donut but know you will have to have a protein rich meal later to meet your daily goal. When I was in the absolute BEST shape of my life I would have a day when I would eat egg whites and grilled chicken, maybe a protein shake, make a hamburger for dinner, some popcorn or ice cream.... it was all balanced. I never felt guilty or deprived. The weight came off. It stayed off. One thing I learned is you have to pick something you can stick with, something that will work long term. Short term solutions give you just that- short term success.
How do you do it? I have calculated my own macros before and I'd be happy to help. I also know several amazing coaches that can do it and have the accountability piece built in so you check in with them weekly. You may have tried everything else- why not try this? I will be heading back to the macros arena as soon as I have baby Lydia is April and get adjusted. I can't wait. This is my last baby and there is no better time to get in the best shape of my life. I know with macros and exercise I can do it. Are you ready?
Feel free to message me or email me if you'd like some help with how to get started!
Weight watchers
South beach diet
Low carb
The bro diet (think tilapia and broccoli A LOT)
Calorie counting
1200 calories only
Starving myself basically
Cutting out all sugar and foods deemed “bad”
Diet pills to suppress my appetite
The GM diet or military diet
Those are just SOME of the diets I can think of right now. I am sure there were more. I would lose and then I would get off and gain. I never stuck with anything too long. It was all a struggle. I would cheat and binge occasionally because everything felt restrictive. To me, that’s the problem with anything that restricts a certain food or deems foods as good or bad. You ultimately end up wanting what you can't have MORE than you might normally because you have told yourself you can’t have it.

Feel free to message me or email me if you'd like some help with how to get started!
Friday, March 1, 2019
Proverbs 31
As I have said before, one goal for me this year is to spend daily time with God. I love First 5 and I try and read it daily. Today's reading really spoke to me. In a world where our priorities seem to be off, competition seems to be up, and some don't pay attention to what is really important, this spoke to me today.
I also love how Proverbs 31:30 reminds us of what is truly worth celebrating: "Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised."
Notice it's not a woman with a spotless house who is to be praised. It's not the mom with perfectly behaved children wearing matching designer outfits. Honestly, it's not even the woman who is married and has children.
It's a woman who fears the Lord that is to be praised. This isn't an, "I'm afraid of God" kind of fear. This type of fear is referring to having a heart completely in awe of God. It describes a woman who honors God by seeking Him in everything she does and trusting Him wholeheartedly with her life. She has a heart of reverence that overflows into a life of spiritual maturity and wisdom.
I am still a work in progress and will never be perfect. It has taken me a long time to get to a place where I truly feel confident in life with God by my side. I used to worry a lot. Little things and big things would upset me. I would spend time stressed out, unsure of the future, and without hope. It wasn't until I truly realized that what will be, will be. God is in control and there is no reason to worry. Even in the darkest moments, the times when nothing makes sense. All seems to be wrong in the world. God's plan seems to be a mystery. It is all for a reason. It will make sense one day. It is so easy in today's world to get wrapped up in the superficial, the temporary things of this Earth. Often these things take over and replace any time we might have for what is really important. To stand and be in awe of God and what he has done in this world, what he has done in your life. Life is so much more than what we have in the here and now. This life was given to us as a precious gift and we should honor it and trust in Him with everything we have. Like, I said it has taken me a long time to get there, but I am so glad I am here.
On another note, this verse speaks to being a wife. Some people spend a lot of time trying to figure out what that looks like. What does God expect out of us as wives? To some, it can be overwhelming. You can feel inadequate looking at everything it states in these verses. Instead, we should seek God in those areas of our lives also. We should seek wisdom, instruction, understanding, insight, knowledge, discretion and guidance. With these things and God by our side, we can and will be all the wife that he planned for us to be. It's not about being perfect. It is about living it in the way that God designed you to live it.
What are some of your favorite Bible versus about being a woman of God, being a wife?
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