Friday, September 20, 2013

Life Lately....

I have been up since 4 am.... tossing and turning in bed... finally I decided to give up and get up. That's why I am getting the chance to write a blog post for the first time in over a week :(
Last spring, we got a new boss at my school. Let's just say I feel like the woman in the picture. I feel like all I do is WORK... she definitely does not understand the work/life balance and I think work is her life, day in and out, weekends and everything... it is who she is! I find that sad... I am not that person. I love my job as a teacher, but I do not plan to make it WHO I AM. There is so much more to life. I have so many other things on my plate- my family being #1, along with time for my faith, friends, and fun! It's so important to have a balance and I am hoping that eventually my boss will learn to chill out and relax before we all quit. I have already been job hunting and reconsidering my direction in life. How did you know you were meant to do what you are doing? Have you had a boss like that?
On top of all that, my friend and I have been working on a business idea. We have been looking into opening an online boutique. We both love to shop and think it would be a fun new adventure for us and possibly, one day, a great source of income. So, be looking for more to come on that.
In the fitness and food world- I have lost 5 lbs since we weighed in at work on September 2 for our biggest loser contest. That's 5 lbs in 18 days. I can live with that. I will admit the stress has gotten to me several times and I haven't eaten :( I have still been alternating running days and my DVD workouts. I did Bob Harper's Body Sculpt kettle bell workout the other day and the past two days it has been torture to walk and def a challenge to sit on the toilet. If you haven't tried it out, do it! It burns so good! lol

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