Sunday, July 28, 2013

Advocare Cleanse, Round 2 Day 1

OK, let me first start off by saying that I went out last night for a friend's 50th birthday and had some drinks, so I know part of my weight is water weight and will go away, but more importantly I understand the choices I have made lately have put me where I am today. I am not perfect, I don't pretend to be. I screw up from time to time and that is that. Summer is hard for me. I am out of routine. I eat out more. I don't exercise as often. I drink more. BUT, I am not giving up. This cleanse is the beginning of getting back on track for me.

Measurements this morning:

Arm: 12
Thigh: 21
Hips: 37
Waist: 34

Weight: 172 :( I haven't seen that in a LONG time.

So today's workout was:

I ordered 2 of his DVDs from a website for about $4 each. I bought the kettlebell at Target for $35 (they are so expensive!) I decided to start with the 12 lb bell until I get used to using it, then I will move up. I really like the workouts and they definitely get you sweating.
I completed that workout, did 4 miles on the bike, about 1 mile on the treadmill, worked my legs and did an ab workout. I feel great! I burned about 750 calories. :)
Food today:
I drank the Advocare fiber drink and ate a banana. (I wasn't really hungry)
Leftovers from dinner I cooked yesterday: chicken stuffed with roasted corn salsa and wholly guac and mixed vegetables. I also had a larabar.
Snack: Apple and natural PB and a few almonds
Dinner: I have spaghetti in the crockpot. I used Simple Truth (Kroger) Tomato Basil spaghetti sauce, Simple Truth diced tomatoes, Italian seasoning, ground turkey and I will put them over Shiritaki tofu noodles. YUM and healthy!
Last, but not they are! My before shots :( I am so sad to look in the mirror right now, but I know I can do it (again!)

If you think you can't, you can.
If you eat right and exercise, you will feel SO MUCH BETTER! Lately I have been struggling with my acid reflux, which I know is totally under control when my diet and exercise regimen are under control.

Let's do this ladies! :)

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