Monday, December 16, 2019

Thank you notes..... Chapter 8

Jimmy Fallon's segments on Thank You notes is the best. I totally agree with Jen on this one.

Here are my Thank You notes for today.....

Thank you COFFEE... you make life possible. If I did not have coffee, I would not survive motherhood. My kids make me more exhausted than I ever thought I could ever be in my LIFE. Lydia woke me up at 3:30 and didn't go back to sleep until 5:00 and then my alarm went off at 5:45. Cue LOTS of coffee today. 

Thank you AC/Heat for making the hormonal life of a pregnant or nursing mom bearable. Cue sweating for no reason and then freezing for the same no reason.

Thank you baby wipes for always being there for me no matter what it is I need you for. Messy hands, explosive diapers, snotty noses, dog poop, food everywhere... you always get the job done.

Thank you sweets for being there when I am stressed and worried and upset.... some days a cookie is worth way more than losing a pound. It's a part of life. 

Thank you straightener for making me look presentable, even on the days when I fall asleep with a wet head and wake up scaring myself- you make it work.

Thank you Ever and Rowe Casa- between these two products I can look alive even when I feel like I might not make it at all.

Thank you fruit snacks for being the cure all to my toddler's meltdowns. You can stop a meltdown in a second.

In all seriousness- Thank you God for this beautiful, messy life! There are bad days and good days, sad days, mad days, messy days, stressed days and more... but every day is a GIFT and I don't thank you enough.

Image result for thank you god

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