I am always looking for a good book. Recently, a friend of mine loaned me a book that she had read. It's called "For The Love" by Jen Hatmaker. The minute I picked it up and started reading, I knew this book was for me. This author gets it. I will be writing a little about some of the things she talks about. So, moms, wives, women.... listen up- this is about to get good.
Chapter 1: Worst Beam Ever
Balance: I laugh at this. People always talk about the perfect work and home balance. Yea, try as I may- I don't have that. Sometimes, some things get put on the back burner. Sometimes, some things don't get done as well as the other things. I have accepted it. What you can do is chose the things you CAN balance and put those on the beam and then chose the things you just CAN'T EVEN and those get put off, for now. For me- cooking a good dinner, playing with my kids, time with my husband, getting a good night's rest, going to church, spending time with family- those all get put on the beam. Those are important to me. Things that get put off the beam for now: Time with friends- I love you guys, but I don't have the time and energy right now. It's not like I don't want a girl's day. I just don't have it in me. Working out every day. Again, I love to do this, but I just can't seem to fit it in consistently so for now it's off the beam and I'll do it when I can.
There is the unattainable, ridiculous standard that we all feel as moms and wives that we have to meet. We think we have to do it all and do it all well. Stop exhausting yourself. It's not worth it. God did not put us here on this Earth to be exhausted, stressed out and at the end of our rope. He wants us to have joy and peace. Stop comparing yourself to others. Don't guilt people for making choices regarding their beam. God's gifts stare you in the face every day- do you see them? Every minute that you waste is a minute you will not get back. What can you do to stop worrying about balancing everything? What can you take off the beam to make life more joyful?

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