Chapter 2: On Turning Forty
I am not quite to 40 yet, but a few more years and I will be there. It is so true when they tell you that you never think you will get there. You spend your life thinking that you will be 20ish forever. Life goes by quickly, but I think we all know that.
What people don't tell you is that things change. You can't stay up as late. You don't like crowds as much and anything that is inconvenient. Music and movie tastes change. What you read changes. Your skin changes (I sell Ever if you need help with that You also might not feel as cool. When you get around people who are younger, you will start to realize just how much you have changed. You forget things- omgosh all the time. Age, plus mom brain is a killer. You don't lose weight as easily.
Good change happens as well. You don't care what people think as much. You kinda find yourself the older you get. For me, things don't get me worked up as easily as they would in my 20s or even early 30s. You stop inviting people into your life that bring drama and stress.You find out who you can rely on and who really matters. You definitely feel that you would rather spend your days laughing and enjoy all the little moments rather than worrying and stressing and doing too much (again, back to that balance beam). Things change, but for the better.
How have things changed the older you've gotten? I can honestly say the changes that have happened on my end are ones that I would not give up to go back and be younger again. Life is good. What about you?

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