How many of you have ever watched a commercial for some product for women and said "There is no way in H-E-double hockey sticks that SHE is using THAT product."? I mean, seriously. I know that there are a lot of people out there who fall for it and buy the lip gloss or the shampoo or the makeup because someone they have seen and love in a movie is using it. I DOUBT it. That is no reason to make a decision about something you are buying. I am not buying it. I know, some of you are thinking- well you SELL makeup and skincare. Yes, I do. BUT I am not famous and trying to pull the wool over someone's eyes. I am a real wife and mom, trying to find a product that makes my skin feel great and is also not full of chemicals. Guess what? That is more of what I care about these days. Being healthy- not skinny. Being healthy- not wrinkle free. Being healthy- not the girl with microbladed eyebrows and a pound of makeup in the room.
Society does try and make women panic. Panic about aging and gaining weight and cooking. Panic about it all. We are all in distress and need saving. NO! We are women who are fully capable of handling life. We were meant for this. God was no dummy when he put women on this Earth. He knew husbands and kids would need nurturing. He knew we could take care of them and would. We need to be proud of all the things we do. We need to stop looking at the wrinkles and get disgusted. We should instead view it as a privilege to grow old, which many do not get. We need to stop worrying about the few lbs we put on and how we look and start worrying about heart health, physical activity, and living a balanced life so that we can see our kids grow old. A few gray hairs? Oh well! An easy meal for your family instead of a pinterest worthy recipe- their bellies are full and happy, right?
The bottom line- stop stressing! This wife and mom life is a GIFT. All of the things that society and commercials and social media want us to believe are important- well, half of them just aren't. Enjoy this life. Enjoy the day. You never know when it might be your last. Do you really want your last moments spent worrying about that line in the middle of your forehead? Move on ladies, life is worth LIVING.

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