Wednesday, May 22, 2013

To crossfit or not to crossfit?

That is the question! I have been contemplating my summer workouts for a while. I have been craving something different, something MORE! I want to take it to the next level. I am off for the summer (perk of teaching), so that helps big time. I will have more time to cook/eat what I want and what is healthy and also be able to get in longer workouts every day as well.

I have been looking into Crossfit lately. The nearest one is in Galveston (a ferry ride away for me- about 45 minutes) so it would be something I would really have to make sure I am ready to commit to. It is also semi-expensive. If I wanted to sign up, I could get unlimited sessions for about $125 a month! YIKES! I just don't know if it is worth it?

So, I started looking online at crossfit stuff.

Here is some stuff that I found, thanks to Pinterest (I don't know what I ever did without that site!)


Maybe I should try the beginner one first! LOL!
I know crossfit won't kill me and it has more weight work in it, which is what I want. Muscle makes you skinny :)
I am going to give it a try and start doing some crossfit stuff at home. I will keep you posted!
I know I will need to get a kettle ball and some heavier weights to make this work, so that will be happening soon.

Do you crossfit? At a gym or at home? Where do you get your workouts from?
I'd appreciate any feedback:)



  1. I crossfit at a gym. I actually won a contest with 5 other people. We all got memberships at different gyms for free for 12 weeks. When I learned I'd be with CrossFit Waco, I was scared!! Once, my 12 weeks was up, I signed on with a 24 week commitment. I absolutely love it! The community is amazing. I had to bring my daughter today and everyone helped entertain her including one of the coaches, who was coloring with her while I was running. If you do it, you will love it!!

  2. We must be on the same mental wave length-I am thinking of doing Cross Fit as well!

  3. I crossfit at home. I have 2 little ones and no time for a box right now and also no child care. Its great. I do need to get a kettle bell, I usually just substitute something else. I want to either join a box or start doing this awesome thing called fitwall which is like crossfit on a ladder once Im back at work this summer.

  4. I got all my free weights at Walmart... but Academy has them in larger sizes... my hubs had to go there for his... and I will have to go there to upgrade my weight soon too... I am going to have to try one of these once my knee is better!!!
