1. People always tell me.... that I remind them of my family members.... I am little Paul (my dad), I look like my aunt, I am my mom made over.... I live in a small town and I hear this ALL the time. I think it's a good thing, I love my family :)
2. In the movie based on my life... I sometimes think of being like Cameron Diaz in "Bad Teacher". Not a good movie, but every teacher dreams of just kicking back, feet on desk, and maybe hiding "beverages" in their desk. LOL! If you are a teacher, you get it!
3. Typically, I end up regretting.... Drinking! More and more I regret it IF I overindulge, which rarely happens but can sneak up on me occasionally.
4. I always ask to leave off the.... NOTHING! well, pretty much I will eat ANYTHING. The only thing I can think of that I am not a fan of is horse radish... yuck! And if we are not talking about food, I ask Channing Tatum to always leave his shirt off! HAHA!
5. Kim and Kanye really... don't care one iota about this one.... another famous-famous couple having a baby, doesn't excite me
6. My Parents always reminded me... to clean up after myself and that nothing comes free. I am extremely thankful for that!
7. Every single day I..... think about what I am eating! I can't remember the last time I ate with reckless abandon and went crazy! Other than that, every day I PRAY! God is good to me.
8. This one time in College.. OMG, the stories I could tell here.... Let's see- narrow it to one... there was one time when I remember going out with a bunch of athletes (hotness) and all the girls- needless to say I had too much and had to be carried out in a hot football players arms... oh and I may have danced on a bar! who hasn't?
9. My grossest habit is... people say this is gross- I use nasal rinse any time I feel a stuffiness coming on.... yes, it really cleans it ALL out and you have to look at snot, but I don't want that stuff up my nose. It makes me feel better, but it is nasty.
10. My latest white lie was... That I had something going on and couldn't meet my high school friends for lunch...I just didn't want to go to be honest. Long story!
11. I know all the words to... Fresh Prince of Bel-Air intro song... doesn't everyone???
12. When I grow up... ummmmm.... I hope to own my own house one day- that's a goal, but will require lots of savings.
13. Sexy time is... (Chris's Mamie reads my blog, so I might skip this one) I live alone, I usually don't bother with sexy.... too tired for that business.... pathetic, I know
14. I will never, ever... sky dive or do anything with heights, I am DEATHLY afraid of crap like that... makes me want to hide!
15. I think it's hilarious... goofy shows like Duck Dynasty and Swamp People...it's my guilty pleasure... Nothing like rednecks to make you laugh.
YES to Channing Tatum. He should be banned from wearing shirts, ever. New follower here -- stopping by from runninglikeamother.com :)